Online Slot Deposits

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Gambling has been a primal instinct of man. When man veers towards this pastime, is only natural. But extraordinary changes have come in the way we gamble, since gambling went online. A primary problem with gambling online has always been its connection to Deposits and Winnings. Previous to the digital revolution gambling has always been associated with real money, though the use of plastic chips was popularized by the stylish Casinos. But payments into a Gambling Website or abstracting winnings have always been problematic. On the ground Slot machines in Casinos, for example, have accounted for nearly 70% of the take even in the best Casinos. But deposits and payouts from individual Slot machines have always been in Real Money, and in Cash. But real money transactions are not possible online. Playing Slots has been equally popular online. But deposits online are ‘Virtual’ as are all financial transactions. A way, therefore, is necessary to input to, and output from, the system through intermediaries. In these still early days of online gambling, Slot Deposit PULSA has become one of the most popular ways of transacting business with the virtual world of online Slot machines.

Slot Machines

Slot machines originally started off as low budget gambling machines which would only accept Coins as Wagers or Bets. It was a second class citizen of most stylish Casinos, and only came into its own in the most common and public drinking joints. The jackpots were small and the payout percentages were awful. The Slot players were looked down upon and were not eligible for the complementary bonuses, like Free Meals, Free Rooms and Free Services, that other gamblers were gifted with so easily. But things have changed and Slot Machines now take center-stage of all gambling.

Online Gambling Games

Depositing By PULSA

In Casinos on the ground now-a-days, nearly 70% of the revenues come from Slot machines. But in Online Slot machines, on some Websites, Slot Revenues top 80%. Online Newcomers head for the Slots and their low budget individual bets soon add-up to vast revenues for the website. The PULSA is actually a method of paying in small amounts of Real money digitally to the Virtual system. Popularly known as Slot Deposit PULSA in Indonesia, this consists of small Plastic Cards with alpha-numeric codes which can be bought for specific amounts of money from Dealers and small shops. These scratch cards can then be uncovered, and the revealed codes can be inputted as small equivalent money amounts for bets on the online Slots.

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